Blue Skunk



Blue Skunk Feminized flowers offer aromas that give Skunk lovers a little something extra, with a touch of sweetness and alluring undertones. These seeds will grow into a bushy plant of medium height. It can be grown naturally or by using common training techniques. A distinct advantage of Blue Skunk Feminized seeds is that gardeners will only have the desired, bud producing females in their garden space.

Blue Skunk Feminized seeds are a cross of Blueberry and the combination of Shiva Skunk and Hindu Kush. Although these are all indica-dominant strains, the sativa traits are recognizable in the euphoric effects and creative boost. The long spear-like colas are also reminiscent of sativa varieties. The indica influence is clearly witnessed in the plants compact and bushy nature, but the Hindu Kush cuts through in the flavor, offering undertones of hashish and aniseed.

Seed Type Feminized strain
Sativa / indica Indica
Flowering Time Average flowering period
Height Average height gain
Yield Heavy yield
Climate Zone Temperate / continental

Additional information

Packet size

3 Seeds, 5 Seeds, 10 Seeds


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